ANDREAS CONSTANTINOU OG FÉLAGAR MEÐ TÓNLEIKA Á Q BAR 21. NÓVEMBER 11. nóvember, 2008 Andreas C og félagar munu troða upp á Q – bar föstudaginn 21. nóvember. Tónleikarnir hefjast klukkan 24:00. Andreas og hljómsveit munu flytja lög af fyrstu hljómplötu sveitarinnar, Fistful. Nálgast má frekari upplýsingar um Andreas og félaga á heimasíðunni: Andreas C will be performing his next live concert at QBAR, Ingólfsstræti 3, 101 Reykjavik, Iceland on Friday 21st of November. The concert will begin at 12am. Andreas C and band will perform an explosive set of songs taken from his debut album Fistful. The night will have pre Cabaret acts including the dancing Gloryettes. Come and join the punk cabaret madness and have a ball! More information about the artist and available at Official website: